MassAutoQuote Quotes Massachusetts Insurance

At MassAutoQuote, we quote insurance every day …

Massachusetts Quotes

At MassAutoQuote, we quote insurance every day. The first thing we try to get is a copy of your present MA auto insurance Coverage Selections Page.

On the Coverage Selections Page is most of the pertinent things our MA insurance agency looks for in order to provide you comprehensive, comparative rates with numerous MA auto insurance companies.

Top Review Items on your MA Auto Insurance Coverage Page:

  • What is your Part 5, Optional Bodily Injury Coverage? Although not compulsary, this coverage is perhaps the most important coverage on your MA auto policy. This is your liability, or law-suit protection, if you injure someone in an accident. State minimum-type limits are: $20,000 per person/$40,000 per accident. We recommend you consider limits of, at least, $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident.
  • What is your Part 4, Damage to Someone Else’s Property Coverage? We believe you should carry limits of at least: $100,000 per accident. We’ve seen many policies with online writers with $25,000 (or less) coverage. Usually you can improve this coverage to $100,000 for just a few dollars.
  • Does your Parts 3 & 12 Coverage match your Part 5 Coverage? They should. Parts 3 & 12 protect you & guest occupants from other uninsured or underinsured drivers. These Parts are not very expensive to increase & should match your Part 5 limits.
  • Does your vehicle carry Parts 7 & 9, Collision & Comprehensive Coverage? If so, what is your Collision deductible? If $500, you may want to consider increasing to $1,000. Usually the savings pays for such things as improving your Parts 3, 4, 5 & 12!

Other items to consider: are your receiving a mileage discount? Does your insurance company offer a AAA discount? Are you getting a good student or student away at school credit? Are you age 65 or over? Are you receiving your senior citizen discount? Have you packaged your auto insurance with the same company as your home, condominium or apartment insurance? Does someone review your coverage with you annually?

Call or click us for your free, no obligation MA auto insurance review.

Is a Disappearing Deductible a Magic Trick?

A disappearing collision deductible discount is not a magic trick. It can be a way for you to save money on your car insurance premium, if you qualify …

Massachusetts Auto Insurance Magic

A disappearing collision deductible discount is not a magic trick. It can be a way for you to save money on your car insurance premium, if you qualify. Essentially, the vanishing deductible is an incentive that rewards “safe” drivers by reducing the amount of their deductible, or out-of-pocket expenses if they do file a claim.

Insurance companies know that safe drivers have fewer car accidents and get fewer speeding tickets. Safety conscious car drivers tend to follow the rules of the road. They make fewer insurance claims. This can save insurance companies a significant amount of money every year. Insurance companies like to have safe drivers as policyholders for just this reason.

Vanishing Deductible Saves Safe Drivers Money on Deductible

Some big insurers offer “safe” drivers a special incentive, called the vanishing deductible discount. While each insurance company’s specific safe driver program varies, the programs generally subtract some of the cost of the deductible for each year a driver qualifies as a safe driver. Auto insurance companies also tend to reward driver loyalty.

It is important to realize that your insurance company does not take this safe driver deductible discount off the cost of your car insurance premium. Rather, this money is money saved out-of-pocket on the amount of your deductible if you have a car accident and file a claim.

How Does The Vanishing Deductible Work?

Let’s say that you have an insurance premium that includes a $1000 deductible. This means that in the event of a car accident in which there is $10,000 worth of damage to your auto, you will have to pay the first $1000 out-of-pocket. Your insurance provider will then cover the remaining cost of repair.

Typically, if you are in a vanishing deductible discount program, each year that you do not file a car accident claim, your insurer will drop your deductible by $100. If you went for ten years without an accident, depending on the maximum vanishing deductible credit your insurance company provides, you could, theoretically wind up with a zero deductible.

What Makes a Safe Driver?

Each insurance provider has different criteria for qualifying as a safe driver. The most important factors that insurers may consider include your driving history, history of traffic violations, car accidents, and other factors. Even if you have a less than stellar driver’s record, it may still pay to ask your insurance agent if you qualify or how you can qualify in the future.

Do You Qualify for the Vanishing Deductible Discount?

To learn whether your insurance coverage includes the disappearing deductible discount, give us a call or fax or e-mail us a copy of your Massachusetts Auto Insurance Coverage Page.

Get in touch with an agent who will take the time you need to understand your options. Call or click

Real-Time Massachusetts Auto Insurance Quotes!

Now we offer “real-time” MA auto insurance rates with two of our companies, Safety Insurance and Vermont Mutual Insurance!

surprise! real time MA insurance rates

Did you know offers Real-Time Massachusetts auto insurance quotes?

Real-Time quotes were, once upon a time, a thing of science fiction to the Massachusetts independent insurance agent landscape.

Now, with the assist from comparative rating vendor, Boston Software, we offer “real-time” MA auto insurance rates with two of our companies, Safety Insurance and Vermont Mutual Insurance!

Keep in mind, however, if our system shows you a rate, this is not the final premium offer.

Often, there are large, additional discounts available and insurance programs designed to save you money.

We also have numerous other auto insurance companies that we utilize to shop your insurance.

Simply submit a MA auto insurance quote to us and we will show you the best rates and different coverage options.

Call, click, or stop by.

Where can you get a MA Auto Insurance Quote?

You can get Massachusetts auto insurance quotes just about anywhere these days.

You can pick up the telephone, you can stop by an office, or you can get on the computer.

The question then becomes: Who do you want to buy insurance from?

Aunt Kathy

You can get Massachusetts auto insurance quotes just about anywhere these days.

You can pick up the telephone, you can stop by an office, or you can get on the computer.

The question then becomes:  Who do you want to buy insurance from?

There are three choices:

  • Buy insurance through a “captive agent.” A captive agent sells insurance for only one company
  • Buy insurance through a “direct writer,” such as the Geico. Consumers that buy direct do not have an agent to shop, make recommendations, and advocate for them at claim time.
  • Buy insurance through an “independent agent!”

When you buy insurance through MassAutoQuote, you’re buying through a Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent.

We are a pro-active independent agency with a sharp pencil. We shop our clients renewals and take advantage of different companies’ discount and insurance programs. Over the years we save our clients a ton of money.

We’ve put together our Top 10 list of why it is important to utilize a Massachusetts independent insurance agent when going through the very important insurance buying process.:

    • #10. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent will save you money!
    • #9. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent rates with multiple companies!
    • #8. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent works on your side when you have a loss!
    • #7. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent will provide strong referrals from existing customers!
    • #6. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent has strong local ties and supports your community!
    • #5. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent will improve your coverage!
    • #4. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent provides 24 hour a day, 7 days a week auto claim service!
    • #3. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent provides prompt, courteous service!
    • #2. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent offers free Registry of Motor Vehicles Service!

#1. Your Independent MA Insurance Agent makes house calls!

Call or click us for your free, no-obligation insurance quote.

You’ll be glad you did!

MA Auto Insurance Real Time Quotes!

We are pleased, but somewhat wary, to announce:

Real Time Quotes Are Here!


For over a decade, MassAutoQuote has been providing Massachusetts consumers auto insurance quotes.

These quotes we done the old-fashioned way. We looked up your driving record and vehicle information, plugged all the components into our comparative rater, rated with numerous companies, and showed the best rates and coverage.

We are pleased, but somewhat wary, to announce:

Real Time Quotes Are Here!

Last week we implemented real-time rating whereby 1 of the 7 companies we rate with will show you, providing you meet their quote requirements, a “real-time” rate at the end of your completion of our quote request form.

Unfortunately, this rate is pre-additional discounts you may qualify for, and it’s not necessarily the company with the best rate we can offer.

We believe consumers want to view real-time rates, research coverage options, with numerous companies while utilizing the services of the Massachusetts Independent Agent.

We believe showing a real time quote, any real time MA auto insurance quote, is a start.

Once you’ve got your rate, or if you don’t get shown a specific rate, we will rate, discount, and provide coverage options to show you the best available premiums.

MassAutoQuote: The best rates, the best service, the best companies.




MA Insurance Surcharge Appeal Part 2

Have you been found “at-fault” in a Massachusetts auto accident?
If you believe you are not more than 50% at-fault in the accident, then believes: You should appeal the surcharge! …

Ma Surcharge

Have you been found “at-fault” in a Massachusetts auto accident?

Have you received the surcharge notice?

If so, this means your insurance company determined you are more than 50% at-fault.

If you believe you are not more than 50% at-fault in the accident, then believes:  You should appeal the surcharge!

When determining fault in an accident, unlike the insurance companies, the Board of Appeals takes into consideration contributing factors; such as: road condition (icy, wet, snow-covered), visibility, erratic driving, or other unforeseen conditions.

Once you have received your hearing date you can: appear in person, submit a written statement, or select someone to appear on your behalf.

Appeal hearings are presently scheduled in: Boston, Brockton, Peabody, Plymouth, Somerville, Springfield, Waltham, or Worcester.

If you decide to appeal your surcharge, Good Luck!

In the meantime, call or click us to get your own Massachusetts Auto Insurance Quote.