MA Auto Insurance Real Time Quotes!

We are pleased, but somewhat wary, to announce:

Real Time Quotes Are Here!


For over a decade, MassAutoQuote has been providing Massachusetts consumers auto insurance quotes.

These quotes we done the old-fashioned way. We looked up your driving record and vehicle information, plugged all the components into our comparative rater, rated with numerous companies, and showed the best rates and coverage.

We are pleased, but somewhat wary, to announce:

Real Time Quotes Are Here!

Last week we implemented real-time rating whereby 1 of the 7 companies we rate with will show you, providing you meet their quote requirements, a “real-time” rate at the end of your completion of our quote request form.

Unfortunately, this rate is pre-additional discounts you may qualify for, and it’s not necessarily the company with the best rate we can offer.

We believe consumers want to view real-time rates, research coverage options, with numerous companies while utilizing the services of the Massachusetts Independent Agent.

We believe showing a real time quote, any real time MA auto insurance quote, is a start.

Once you’ve got your rate, or if you don’t get shown a specific rate, we will rate, discount, and provide coverage options to show you the best available premiums.

MassAutoQuote: The best rates, the best service, the best companies.