Below is Massachusetts RMV contact information for RMV issues that may help you if you need immediate assistance:

if you have RMV questions or have technical issues.

  • for a manual and other information click on:  If the user clicks on Training and Support, they will get to the “IPM eServices Reference Guide for Insurance Industry Users”
  • Have a Payment Link Resent/Issue:
  • Email Include:
  • Drop Off Date:
    • RMV Drop Off Location:
    • Name of Runner Service (if applicable):
    • Name of your agency/business:
  • VIN #(s):
  • Email address for payment:


  • Special Plate Department – 857-368-8031

for issues with duplicate/replacement plates

to find out about a tin plate not received in mail

to order special plates.

  • Section 5 Department – 857-368-8030
  1. Dealer, Repair, Owner Contractor, Transporter or Farm Plates
  2. Question regarding these plate types
  3. Questions on Renewals
  1. Contact the IRP department with Apportioned plate Questions
  2. Contact regarding Apportioned Renewals
  • Out of State Citations Department – 857-368-8200
  1. Customers can now clear online OOS Reciprocal Suspensions

This form can be used by NON-EVR Agents for correction.

  • Consumers that use the Drop Off Center that have not received a payment link or call to pick up work can send an email here:

They need to include:

Their Name

Branch Location

Date of Drop Off

Transaction Type

Email Address

If you are locked out you can call security to be reset

If you have a customer that wants to file a complaint for privacy violations, they can call security.

  • Title Department – 857-368-8050

If you have a customer that is showing a title has not been mailed, is under review or exam, you can contact titles to see if the title can be sent.  Make sure that the mailing address is correct in the customer ATLAS account.

  • MAIA Registry Procedures Manual

You may also want to consider using the RPM that is key word searchable for your RMV questions.  Here is a link to the MAIA RPM:

  • Registration and Title Application Instruction Guide

Here is a guide on what sections of the RTA to complete for the transaction being processed:

  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue 800-392-6089

If you need information on sales tax values

If you need to determine the amounts of Penalties and Interest on motor vehicle sales tax.

For any questions:  .

MA Inspection Sticker Exemptions?

MA Inspection Sticker Exemptions

Are you out of state with an expired Massachusetts vehicle inspection sticker? Wondering if there are any MA Inspection Sticker Exemptions?

Unfortunately, the Massachusetts Vehicle Check program tells:

There are no exemptions, but the vehicle owner can fill out an Out of State verification form found on our website under motorist resources, forms. This will notify the MA RMV that the owner is out of the state and cannot have the vehicle inspected at this time.

Thanks to our partners at Johnson & Rohan Insurance for this information.


Camper plates or trailer plates?

Camper plates or trailer plates

It’s a question almost as old as some of the Registry workers themselves: Camper plates or trailer plates on my Massachusetts camper trailer?

Camper plates must have permanent living facilities (sink and toilet).

Camper plates may also be issued to vehicles which meet the definition of House Trailer (a house trailer that has no motor power and is equipped for human habitation – includes bathroom and sink facilities). These vehicles are not to be used to transport property other than that property used for human habitation or camping purposes. A four wheel tow dolly, when used in conjunction with a tractor/trailer combination, must be registered as a semi-trailer. Trailer weight is always rounded up to the nearest thousand pounds.

Auto Home (CAMPER):

A. Definition: Auto home, any motor vehicle originally designed or permanently altered and equipped for human habitation which is not used to transport property other than that property used for human habitation or camping purposes. A motor vehicle designed primarily to transport property which has been temporarily altered or equipped for human habitation shall not be deemed to be an auto home. (MGL ch. 90 s. 1)

B. Plate Types: There are three types of auto home plates:

Auto Home Normal (Plate Type: AHN) – Auto Home Normal plates consist of three to five numbers

Auto Home Reserved (Plate Type: AHR) – Auto Home Reserved plates consist of one or two numbers.

Auto Home Vanity (Plate Type: AHV) – ALAR maintains the plate number preceded by the code “CA.”

C. Plates Issued: Auto Home Normal, Reserved and Vanity – Two plates are issued. For Trailers, the Clerk will discard the second plate.

D. Plate Fees: An Auto Home Normal (AHN) plate is charged a $50 yearly fee. An Auto Home Reserved (AHR) plate is charged $70 ($50 annual fee plus a $20 special plate fee). An Auto Home Vanity (AHV) plate is charged $100 ($50 annual fee plus a $50 special plate fee).

If the customer registers the vehicle after October 1, the registration fee will be half the initial registration fee. The special plate fee will remain the same.

E. Expiration Date: Auto Home plates expire annually on November 30.


A. Definition:  Trailer plates are issued to any vehicle or object on wheels and having no motive power of its own, but which is drawn by or used in combination with, a motor vehicle. It shall not include a pole dolly or pole dickey, so called, nor a pair of wheel commonly used as an implement for other purposes than transportation, or a portable, collapsible or separate two wheel tow dolly limited only to the purpose of transporting or towing a registered vehicle, nor farm machinery or implements when used in connection with the operation of a farm or estate, nor any vehicle when towed behind a farm tractor and used in connection with the operation of a farm or estate.

Camper plates may also be issued to vehicle which meet the definition of House Trailer (a house trailer has no motor power and is equipped for human habitation — includes bathroom and sink facilities.) These vehicles are not to be used to transport property other than that property used for human habitation or camping purposes. A four wheel tow dolly, when used in conjunction with a tractor/trailer combination, must be registered as a semi-trailer. Trailer weight is always rounded up to the nearest thousand pounds.

B. Plate Types: There are two types of trailer plates.

Trailer Normal (Plate Type: TRN) – Trailer Normal plates consist of four to six numbers.

Trailer Reserved (Plate Type: TRR) – Trailer Reserved plates consist of three number or less or a combination of letter and numbers (first two digits may be letters TL, TT, TR).

C. Plates Issued: Trailer Normal and Reserved – One plate is issued.

D. Plate Fees: A Trailer Normal plate fee is based on the weight of the trailer at the rate of $20 per 1,000 pounds. A Trailer Reserved plate is charged the same registration fee as the Trailer Normal plus a $20 special plate fee.

E. Expiration Date: Trailer plates expire annually on November 30. All trailer registration fees are reduced by 1/2 on or after September 1. NOTE: if the total gross weight of a trailer, which is the combined weight of the trailer and its cargo, is 3,000 lbs or less, a MA title is not required.

Homemade Trailers

Builders of homemade trailers with a gross weight of more than 3,000 lbs. must apply for a MA Assigned Vehicle Identification Number.

The gross weight of a new or used trailer is determined by the manufacturer and will be listed on the trailer’s certificate of Origin and on the trailer itself. The gross weight of a homemade trailer is determined by the builder of the trailer.

NOTE: Log Splitter of Wood chipper

A trailer registration plate may be issued fi the log splitter of wood chipper and trailer are permanent components of one another (i.e.- non-detachable). However, a trailer registration may not be issued to a log splitter or wood chipper by itself (i.e.- the unit is not permanently attached to a trailer). If the log splitter or wood chipper is detachable, the trailer carrying the log splitter must be insured and registered.

Massachusetts Antique Vehicle Insurance

Massachusetts Antique Vehicle

What is an antique car or truck? Under MA antique license plate rules, an antique vehicle is a car manufactured at least 25 years ago, which is maintained for use in exhibitions, parades and other public events. If you are interested in Antique Plates there are certain rules to be aware of.

The Registry of Motor Vehicles designates antique plates as “restricted.” “Restricted to those vehicles over 25 years of age, restricted to test drives, movement of vehicles to and from repair locations, and public functions such as parades.”


  • Fill out and submit an insurance company stamped, RTA form.
  • Submit previous, signed over, certificate of title.


The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles requires original, signed over title, antique vehicle application, RTA form (Registration and Title Application) and check payable to the “RMV.” Costs should be: $75.00 for new MA title, $50.00 for plates and 6.25% sales tax.The Registry of Motor Vehicles charges an annual fee of $50.00 for antique plates. The also charge $50.00 for year of manufacture plates.


  • Classic Cars
  • Hot Rods
  • Antique Cars
  • Modified Cars
  • Street Rods
  • Exotic Cars
  • Lowrider
  • Classic Motorcycles


You can drive your car:

  • Holidays
  • Parades
  • Weekends

Your collectible car needs to be and must be stored inside in a secure locked garage or structure.

Insurance companies will not cover damage to antique vehicles done due to racing.

Massachusetts Hands-Free Distracted Driving Law

Massachusetts Hands-Free Distracted Driving Law

Hands-Free Electronics While Driving – It’s the Law

The new Massachusetts hands-free distracted driving law takes effect on Sunday, February 23.

This law is a significant change for drivers 18 and over and traffic enforcement as well. The new law (Chapter 122 of the Acts of 2019) prohibits operators of motor vehicles from using any mobile electronic device, including a cell phone, unless the device is used in hands-free mode.

Drivers 18 and over are:

  • Not permitted to hold or support any electronic device
  • Only permitted to touch devices to activate the hands-free mode, and can only enable when the device is installed or properly mounted to the windshield, dashboard, or center console
  • Not permitted to read or view text, images, or video displayed on a mobile electronic device; however, a driver may view a map generated by a navigation system or application on a mobile electronic device that is properly mounted

Drivers under 18 are not allowed to use any electronic devices. All device/phone use while driving is illegal, including use in hands-free mode.

Penalties for Violating the Hands-Free Law

  • 1st offense – $100 fine
  • 2nd offense – $250 fine, plus mandatory completion of a distracted driving educational program
  • 3rd and subsequent offenses – $500 fine, plus insurance surcharge and mandatory completion of distracted driving educational program

Operators may use a cell phone to call 911 to report an emergency. If possible, the operator should safely pull over and stop before calling 911.

More Info
Please visit our website for more details. We’ve also included a link to an informational brochure below, that we ask you to review, post, and share with your customers and colleagues.

Questions About Massachusetts Hands-Free Distracted Driving Law?
Contact us at with any questions you may have.

Questions about your Massachusetts Auto Insurance?                                             Contact us at: MassAutoQuote.

Massachusetts REAL ID

Massachusetts REAL ID

After October 1, 2020, you will need a Massachusetts REAL ID or a passport to fly within the United States or enter federal buildings.


  • Is a valid driver’s license or identification card
  • Is valid as a form of federal ID
  • Requires an in-person visit
  • Has a star displayed on the document to indicate that is a federally compliant card

Once you’ve decided if you want a MA REAL ID, get the right documents together. You’ll need to prove your:

  • U.S. citizenship or lawful presence
  • Social Security number
  • Massachusetts residency

All documents must be originals, photocopies and laminated documents will not be accepted.

A document cannot be used to prove more than one requirement.

U.S. Citizenship or Lawful presence documents

1 document from this group for either REAL ID or a Standard driver’s license/ID.

Lawful presence means that you’re legally living in the United States according to federal immigration laws. All U.S. citizens and lawfully permanent residents have permanent lawful presence in the U.S.

Non-U.S. citizens who are studying, working, or living temporarily in the U.S. may have temporary lawful presence that may vary in length.

For U.S. citizens, a valid, unexpired U.S. passport is sufficient proof of lawful presence. U.S. citizens may also provide a certified copy of their U.S. birth certificate.

For permanent residents, a valid permanent resident card (green card) is enough.

For non-U.S. citizens, you need to provide valid, verifiable immigration documents as well as proof that you’ve been granted a legal stay in the U.S. for at least 12 months. Your license or ID will expire when your legal stay is over.

Whether you’re getting a Massachusetts REAL ID or a Standard driver’s license/ID, you’ll need one of these:

  • Valid, unexpired U.S. passport or passport card
    • If your U.S. passport was issued within the last six months, bring your certified copy of your U.S. birth certificate
  • Certified copy of a birth certificate filed with a State Office of Vital Statistics or equivalent agency in the individual’s state of birth
    • A Puerto Rican birth certificate will only be accepted if it was issued on or after July 1, 2010. For more information on the Puerto Rican birth certificate law, visit the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration website. 
  • Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) issued by the U.S. Department of State, Form FS-240, DS-1350, or FS-545
  • Valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551) issued by DHS or INS
  • Temporary I-551 stamp in foreign passport
  • Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) issued by DHS, Form I-766, or Form I-688B
  • Unexpired foreign passport with a valid, unexpired U.S. visa affixed
    • A non-US passport must contain a current visa and be presented with an I-94 Record of Arrival and Departure, unless you have a Permanent Resident Card or other change in status. The I-94 can be either a paper version from U.S. Customs and Border Protection or a printout of an electronic version downloaded from their website.
    • For applicable customers who have a Certificate of Eligibility (I-20) or Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status (DS-2019) documentation verifying the applicant’s most recent admittance into the United States must be shown
  • Certificate of Citizenship, Form N-560, or Form N-561, issued by DHS
  • Certificate of Naturalization (Form N-550 or N-570)
  • Re-Entry Permit (I-327) – accepted for Standard credential only
  • Refugee Travel Document (I-571) – accepted for Standard credential only

Note: The federal government allows for some exceptions to those in temporary protected status (TPS). See Department of Homeland Security’s website for current countries designated for TPS.

Social Security Number (SSN) documents

1 document from this group for either REAL ID or a Standard driver’s license/ID.

You must have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) to apply for any learner’s permit, driver’s license, or ID card. The RMV will validate the SSN you provide against computer records at the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you do not have an SSN, you may request an application for one by calling (800) 772-1213.

If you’re getting a Standard driver’s license/ID, you’ll only need to provide your valid SSN.

If you’re getting a REAL ID, you’ll need to bring 1 of the following documents displaying your 9-digit SSN:

  • SSN Card (cannot be laminated)
  • W-2 Form*
  • SSA-1099 Form
  • Non-SSA-1099 Form
  • A pay stub with the applicant’s name and full SSN on it*
  • SSN Denial Notice with passport, visa, and I-94

*One (W-2/paystub) cannot be used for both the Massachusetts residency and SSN requirements.  Two different (W-2s/paystubs) from different employers can be used for both requirements.

If you do not have an SSN, you should apply for one at a Social Security office as soon as possible. If you are denied an SSN, you may still qualify for a Massachusetts driver’s license or ID card if you can meet other identification requirements. However, to prove that you applied for an SSN, you must present the written denial notice the SSA provided you. The RMV requires your SSN or denial notice to confirm your identity and to maintain your license and driving records.

Note: All CDL applicants must have an SSN.

Massachusetts residency documents

1 or 2 1 for a Standard driver’s license/ID, 2 for a REAL ID

To prove Massachusetts residency, you’ll need a document showing your current residential address. A P.O. Box isn’t acceptable. Neither is a document mailed “in care of.”

You’ll need 2 of these documents for a REAL ID. Standard driver’s license/ID applicants need 1 of the following:

  • Massachusetts RMV-issued documents (can use one from the options below)
    • Current license, Massachusetts ID card, or learner’s permit (liquor ID not accepted)
    • RMV-issued correspondence dated within 60 days and received via U.S. mail (including license/registration reminders)
  • State/federal/municipal/city/town/county agency-issued documents
    • 1st class, government-issued mail dated within 60 days
    • Current MA-issued professional license with photograph
    • Medicaid statement dated within 60 days
    • Current firearms card
    • Jury duty summons dated within 60 days
    • Court correspondence dated within 60 days
    • Property tax for current year
    • Excise tax for current year
  • Bills
    • Utility bill (electric, telephone, water, sewer, cable, satellite, heating) dated within 60 days
    • Credit card statement dated within 60 days
    • Medical/hospital statement dated within 60 days
    • Cell phone bill dated within 60 days
  • Lease or Mortgage
    • Current lease/mortgage or similar rental contract
  • Financial-related documents
    • Bank statement that contains images of cancelled personal checks dated within 60 days
    • W-2 wage and tax statement from immediate prior year*
    • Current pension statement (401k, 457, SEP, etc.)
    • Current retirement statement
    • Pay stub dated within 60 days*
    • Current SSA statement
    • Current installment loan contract (car loan)
  • School-issued documents
    • Official school transcript for current year
    • Official letter from school (proof of enrollment) dated within 60 days
    • Tuition bill for current year
    • Certified school record for current year
  • Insurance-related documents
    • Auto insurance policy for current year
    • Renter’s insurance policy for current year
    • Homeowner’s insurance policy for current year
  • Alternative Residency Affidavit
    • For applicants under 18 only

*One (W-2/paystub) cannot be used for both the Massachusetts residency and SSN requirements.  Two different (W-2s/paystubs) from different employers can be used for both requirements.


If your current name doesn’t match the one that appears on your lawful presence document(s), you must prove your legal name change in order to qualify for a REAL ID driver’s license/ID card. If multiple name changes, documentation for each name change must be provided. You will need to provide one of the following:

  • Marriage Certificate (must be issued from the municipality)
  • Divorce Decree
  • Court Document

Formulated in the wake of September 11 and passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act was passed to “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses.”

The act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards, and it prohibits federal agencies from accepting licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards for official purposes.

It was aimed at eliminating airline terrorism by increasing requirements to obtain documents granting access to domestic planes.

You can start your Massachusetts REAL ID application online by clicking HERE.

New Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Forms

New Registration and Title Application (RTA)

Change can happen quick and change can happen extremely slow. In this case, it seems, a little of both.

The old triplicate “RMV-1” form (Application for Massachusetts Title & Registration) has been around forever. Although branches have closed and branches have opened, the Registry of Motor Vehicles “experience,” always seems to remain the same. As of December 12, 2019 the RMV will no longer accept the familiar, triplicate RMV-1 and RMV-3 forms.

Replacing them is the new, single-copy: Registration and Title Application (RTA)

The RMV currently has a Registration and Title Application (referred to as an RMV-1) and a Registration and Title Amendment Form (referred to as an RMV-3). With ATLAS  Release 2, these two forms have been combined into one — the new Registration and Title Application (RTA). This new RTA form supports additional information the RMV will use in their business processes after ATLAS R2 implementation. Examples include the garage address, expanded sales and use tax information, slight changes to the vehicle description, and a general layout that follows the screen flow in the ATLAS system.

This updated form will be implemented as of November 12, 2019.  However, the RMV will continue to accept the old RMV-1 form as long as it was stamped and dated by an insurance company or agent prior to November 12, 2019.  Since the insurance stamp is valid for 30 calendar days, the last day for an old RMV-1 form to be accepted will be December 12, 2019.

NEW:  Certificate of Registration

With ATLAS Release 2, the Certificate of Registration will be changing to include the Change of Address for Residential, Mailing, and Garaging.

Cancel My Massachusetts Plates

cancel my Massachusetts plates

In order to cancel your Massachusetts Auto Insurance, you have to cancel your MA plates. Cancel My Massachusetts Plates is easier than it used to be. Rather than waiting in line at the Registry you can now cancel online at:  Cancel My Registration.

This is the link to the official website of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Once your plates are cancelled you must remember to notify your insurance agent or your company directly.

This no fee transaction allows you to cancel your registration and print out your Registration Cancellation Receipt. Once your plates are cancelled, you must then recycle or destroy the plates.

To continue, you will need your:

  • MA Registration Number
  • Email Address

And ONE of the following:

  • MA License/Permit/ID Number
  • 9 digit Social Security Number
  • FID Number (If vehicle is leased or registered to a company/corporation)

Keep this receipt as proof that you canceled your registration and provide a copy to your insurance company.

The receipt you print at the end of the transaction is in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader that can be downloaded for free from

How to get Massachusetts Handicap Plates

How to get Massachusetts Handicap Plates

Sometimes, it seems, things can be more difficult than imagined. This is, and isn’t, true when it comes to “How to get Massachusetts Handicap Plates.” I guess it depends on your imagination.

First of all, Handicap Plates, in  MA are Disability Plates and Placards. According to Mass. gov:

Through Medical Affairs, the RMV issues special license plates and placards to people with disabilities who meet certain medical qualifications.

Disability plates and placards allow people with disabilities to park vehicles in designated handicap parking spaces. They also allow people with disabilities to park at meters without paying fees or penalties.
Disability license plates are issued for cars or motorcycles.
Placards are displayed on the rear-view mirror, and are issued to qualified residents on a temporary or permanent basis.
Learn how to apply for, renew, and replace your disability plate or placard.

Apply for a disability placard or license plate
Disability plates and placards are issued to qualified Massachusetts residents who meet the eligibility requirements.
Please allow at least 30 business days for processing. Processing time varies based upon application volume.

To apply for a disability plate or placard, you must:

  • Complete an Application for Disabled Parking
    • Your healthcare provider will have to fill out a section to verify your disability status
    • Retain a copy of your 2-sided placard application
  • If applying for a Disabled Veteran (DV) plate, you will also need a DV plate letter (RMV35A) from the veteran’s administration. You can contact the veteran’s affairs at (800) 827-1000 to request the letter.
Fees for Apply for a disability placard or license plate

A disability placard has no fee.

Name Fee Unit
Disability Passenger Plate Fee (2-year) $60 each
Disability Motorcycle Plate Fee (annual) $20 each
Disability Placards

If your temporary disability placard is nearing expiration or requires re-certification, you will need to submit a new application for your placard for to stay valid.

If you have a permanent disability placard, a new placard will automatically be mailed to you when it expires.

Disability Plates

The RMV will mail you a registration renewal reminder approximately 6 –  8 weeks before expiration.

Disability plates

Disability plates are issued to qualified Massachusetts residents who are primary owners of a registered passenger vehicle or a motorcycle. A holder of a passenger vehicle disability plate is entitled to a temporary disabled placard. A person must demonstrate “good cause” or need for the placard in writing to the medical affairs. “Good cause” means a valid reason why the plate cannot be used and duration of the need. Placards may be issued for up to 24 months.

Disability placards

Disability placards are issued to qualified applicants on a temporary or permanent basis. A person may be issued only one valid placard at a time.

Disability Veteran plates

Disability Veteran plates are issued only to qualified Massachusetts resident veterans who meet the same qualifications as those applying for a disability plate. The DV plate letter (RMV35A) details your service connected disabilities. You must have a combined rating of at least 60% service connected disabilities for qualifying conditions.  These are the same disabilities that would qualify you for disabled parking. These plates are issued only to qualifying persons who are the primary owner of a registered passenger vehicle.

In summation, How to get Massachusetts Handicap plates, if you have all your materials BEFORE you go to the RMV, it will be easier than imagined. No matter how imaginative you are!

Downloads for Apply for a disability placard or license plate

Massachusetts Plates: regular vs. commercial


Our Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agency received a question from a client regarding putting lettering on the back of her car and if this would require commercial plates.

Great question.

The Long answer:

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation defines commercial vehicles (requiring commercial plates) as:


This includes:  Any vehicle which has a vehicle weight of more than 6,000 pounds unless it is a sport utility vehicle, passenger van, pickup truck or cargo van meeting the definition of a private passenger vehicle.

  • Any vehicle which as five or more wheels i.e.; a dually
  • Any pickup truck or cargo van, owned by a partnership, trust or corporation unless the vehicle meets the definition of a private passenger vehicle.
  • Any pickup truck or cargo van if on the bed , roof or sides of the vehicle tools, equipment, supplies and materials are transported to or from a job site (personal projects without compensation are not considered a job site).
  • A vehicle which has business lettering, markings and/or advertisements on it.
  • A vehicle used for hire to plow.
  • A vehicle used for hire to transport or store goods or merchandise (unless the vehicle is owned by an individual, the maximum carrying capacity is 1,000 pounds or less and is only used on a part-time basis).
  • A vehicle used to transport or store goods or merchandise intended for sale in the operator’s business (unless the vehicle is owned by an individual, the maximum carrying capacity is 1,000 pounds or less and is only used on a part-time basis).

So,  according to the MA Department of Transportation, if the vehicle has business lettering, markings +/or advertisements, then the vehicle should have commercial plates.

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