Massachusetts Move Over Law

move over law

The Massachusetts move over law requires all drivers to move one lane over while approaching a vehicle on the side of the road. If you can’t move over one lane then you must drastically reduce your speed.

This applies not only to Police, Fire, and Ambulances and Tow trucks, but also to DOT workers, Utility workers, municipal workers, and disabled vehicles on the road.

There is no downside to keeping distance or reducing your speed while passing stopped vehicles on the roadside. When we don’t, people get hurt.

“Every year about 23 roadside workers and first responders (one every two weeks) lose their life at the roadside and hundreds more are injured while tending to disabled vehicles.”

“Despite being passed in all 50 states, 71 percent of Americans are unaware of Move Over laws that require drivers to reduce their speed and switch lanes to protect these workers.” (NHTSA)

AAA publishes each state’s move over law:


Drivers traveling in the same direction and approaching a stationary emergency vehicle, highway maintenance vehicle, or tow or recovery vehicle with flashing lights must slow down to a safe speed and, if practicable, move to a non-adjacent lane.

Move Over Massachusetts!


Massachusetts Antique Vehicle Insurance

Massachusetts Antique Vehicle

What is an antique car or truck? Under MA antique license plate rules, an antique vehicle is a car manufactured at least 25 years ago, which is maintained for use in exhibitions, parades and other public events. If you are interested in Antique Plates there are certain rules to be aware of.

The Registry of Motor Vehicles designates antique plates as “restricted.” “Restricted to those vehicles over 25 years of age, restricted to test drives, movement of vehicles to and from repair locations, and public functions such as parades.”


  • Fill out and submit an insurance company stamped, RTA form.
  • Submit previous, signed over, certificate of title.


The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles requires original, signed over title, antique vehicle application, RTA form (Registration and Title Application) and check payable to the “RMV.” Costs should be: $75.00 for new MA title, $50.00 for plates and 6.25% sales tax.The Registry of Motor Vehicles charges an annual fee of $50.00 for antique plates. The also charge $50.00 for year of manufacture plates.


  • Classic Cars
  • Hot Rods
  • Antique Cars
  • Modified Cars
  • Street Rods
  • Exotic Cars
  • Lowrider
  • Classic Motorcycles


You can drive your car:

  • Holidays
  • Parades
  • Weekends

Your collectible car needs to be and must be stored inside in a secure locked garage or structure.

Insurance companies will not cover damage to antique vehicles done due to racing.

Massachusetts Auto Insurance: It Pays to Shop Around

Massachusetts auto quote comparison

Massachusetts Auto Insurance: It Pays to Shop Around offers their consumer Frequently Asked Questions- FAQs

Why Does Competition Matter?

Competition matters because you may be able to get different insurance products or packages for different prices if you shop around. Rates and policies will no longer be the same for all companies.

In recent years, all rates for automobile insurance have been set by the Commissioner of Insurance under what was known as the “fix-and-establish” system. Under this system, if you requested a premium quote for the same coverage from different companies, each of those companies would give you the same price for that coverage – unless you were eligible for a group discount.

Will My Auto Insurance Coverages Change?

The minimum coverages for a basic policy are still mandated by Massachusetts law. The types of coverage you are required to purchase by law are called compulsory insurance, and will not change. The types of additional coverage you may purchase voluntarily, known as optional insurance, may vary from company to company.

More Options

Although the minimum limits and basic coverages will not change, insurers will now be permitted to offer additional coverages, higher limits, and lower or waived deductibles. Therefore, you may have more choices available to you, and may want to shop around if there are additional coverages you wish to purchase.

Will Surcharges Change?

Under the prior “fix-and-establish” system, Massachusetts law requires that companies apply specific surcharges for certain accidents and traffic violations. This system of surcharges is called the Safe Driver Insurance Plan (SDIP). Under the new system, insurance companies will be permitted to develop their own rules – known as merit rating plans – to determine if and how they will impose surcharges on your premium for at-fault accidents and traffic violations. These new merit rating plans will be subject to approval by the Commissioner of Insurance. Companies may also choose to use the existing SDIP for a merit rating plan.

Merit Rating Board

In the competitive rating system, insurers will still be required to report all at-fault accidents to the Merit Rating Board (MRB). The MRB is the state agency that maintains operator driving history records. The MRB will continue to provide this driving history information to automobile insurers.

Why Is Auto Insurance So Expensive In Massachusetts?

Massachusetts has some of the highest auto insurance costs in the country. Many factors contribute to these high costs. The state is densely-populated with the majority of its drivers living in urban areas where accidents are more likely to happen. In addition, Massachusetts’ higher cost of living means higher costs for medical care, auto repairs and litigation costs.

The bottom line is that Massachusetts has more property damage and bodily injury claims per vehicle than nearly every other state. As the number of claims increases, so does the cost of insurance. When claims decrease, insurance rates decrease as well.

Will Competition Lower My Premium?

Competition is designed to encourage insurance companies to offer their lowest possible premium to each driver. Although the majority of Massachusetts policyholders will probably benefit from reduced rates under the new system, the amount that you pay will depend on your individual risk factors. Examples of individual risk factors include your driving record, the territory in which you live, and other rating factors approved by the Commissioner. While every policy is different, maintaining a clean driving record should lower your premium.

What Types and How Much Coverage Should I Buy?

Mandatory Coverage

There are several types of compulsory insurance that you are required to purchase under Massachusetts law. These coverages are:

” Bodily Injury to Others, with a mandatory limit of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident
” Personal Injury Protection (PIP), with a mandatory limit of $8,000
” Bodily Injury Caused by an Uninsured Auto, with a mandatory limit of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident
” Property Damage, with a mandatory limit of $5,000

Optional Coverage

Depending on your individual circumstances, you may also wish to purchase additional types of coverage, or increased limits on the types of compulsory insurance listed above. You should consult with an agent or other insurance professional for help in determining what types and levels of coverage you need. All companies will offer the following coverages that you may wish to buy:

” Increased limits for bodily injury to others
” Increased limits for bodily injury caused by an uninsured or underinsured auto.
” Coverage for medical payments beyond the mandatory PIP coverage
” Collision coverage that pays for damage to your car no matter who causes the accident. Most companies will allow you to choose from a range of deductibles.
” Comprehensive coverage that pays for damage to you car caused by events such as fire, theft or vandalism. Like collision, companies will allow you to choose from a range of deductibles.
” Coverage for substitute transportation while your car is being repaired from a collision or comprehensive claim.
” Coverage for towing and labor when your car breaks down.

Each of these coverages is subject to important limitations and exclusions.

In addition to the standard options, automobile insurers are allowed to offer additional optional coverages that you may want. Some of the options expand existing coverages or offer benefits that were never available in Massachusetts. You will want to learn more about all of the options available to you from each company in which you are interested.

For a more detailed description of auto insurance and available coverages, please visit the DOI website, or review the Division’s Ways To Save On Your 2008 Automobile Insurance consumer guide.

How Should I Shop For Auto Insurance?

First, you should determine what types of coverage you need, and how much of each coverage type you need. Once you have decided what you need, you should then get premium quotes for that coverage from several companies. Some companies market insurance through agents, while others sell directly through employee salespersons. Therefore, you will be able to obtain multiple quotes by working with one or more agents, or by contacting each direct writer separately, either by telephone or online. To make sure you get the best possible premium for the coverage you need, you should make sure that each of the premium quotes you receive are for the identical coverage you wish to purchase.

For a current list of all insurance companies offering auto insurance in Massachusetts, please visit the DOI’s website .

Where Can I Get Premium Quotes?

There are several ways in which you can obtain premium quotes, including working with agents or contacting insurance companies directly.


Agents may represent one or more insurance companies, and will be able to provide you with premium quotes for the companies they represent. Exclusive agents represent only one company or group of affiliated companies, and will only be able to give you a quote for that company or its affiliates. Independent agents often represent several companies, and will be able to provide you with premium quotes from the companies they represent. If you get quotes through agents, be sure to find out which companies they represent and which ones have given you insurance quotes.

Direct Writers

You may obtain a quote directly from an insurance company by contacting the company online or over the telephone.

How Should I Decide Where To Purchase My Policy?

Once you have determined the appropriate types and levels of coverage to fit your needs, you can obtain quotes from different insurance companies directly or through agents in order to find the best price. Make sure that all of the premium quotes you receive from each company are for the same coverage. Once you have determined which companies are offering the best price for the coverage you need, you may wish to speak with family members, friends and neighbors to learn about their claim experiences. Remember that while price is certainly an important factor in deciding which insurance company to choose, it is not the only factor. Price, discounts, claims handling, the location of an agent or direct writer, or the financial health of the company are all legitimate factors you might consider in buying insurance. Ultimately, you must decide which features are most important to you.

What Are The Different Ways Companies Sell Auto Insurance?

Insurance companies generally sell insurance either through agents or direct marketing. Agents can be either independent or exclusive. Buying insurance through agents or direct marketing companies each has advantages and disadvantages. Policies are marketed, sold and serviced differently depending on which method you choose.


Most insurance companies in Massachusetts currently sell insurance through agents. Agents represent one or more insurance companies. When you receive a quote from an agent, make sure you find out exactly which companies each agent has obtained quotes from so you can be certain you have obtained quotes from a variety of companies.

Independent agents generally represent several insurance companies. While independent agents may represent several companies, these agents generally do not represent all the insurance companies offering auto insurance in Massachusetts. Exclusive agents represent only one insurance company. Whether you are dealing with independent or exclusive agents, it is a good idea to make sure that you have obtained quotes from a variety of companies.

Direct Marketing

Some insurance companies sell insurance through direct marketing – meaning that they sell insurance directly to consumers without the involvement of agents. Direct marketing companies typically sell and service insurance policies over the internet, through the mail, or through 1-800 telephone numbers.


How Do Companies Determine My Premium?

Insurance companies group you with other individuals who share your general risk characteristics – such as the number of years driving experience. To calculate your individual premium, the company uses a base rate for your group, then adjusts it to reflect your individual risk factors and appropriate discounts for which you are eligible. In determining your actual premium, insurance companies may consider factors such as your years of driving experience, the number and type of your at-fault accidents, the number and type of your traffic violations, the vehicle you drive, and the place where you garage that vehicle. Insurance companies may also consider other risk factors if those factors are relevant to risk and approved by the Commissioner.

Prohibited Underwriting and Rating Factors.

Even though the system is changing, under the rates companies are offering as of April 1, 2008, insurance companies are prohibited from using certain factors for either underwriting or rating in Massachusetts. Underwriting is the company’s process for deciding whether or not to voluntarily accept you as a risk. Rating is the company’s process for determining the amount of your actual premium. For underwriting, companies are prohibited from using sex, marital status, race, creed, national origin, religion, age, occupation, income, principal place of garaging, education, and home ownership. For rating, companies are prohibited from using sex, marital status, race, creed, national origin, religion, age (except for drivers who are 65 years or older), occupation, income, education, and home ownership. Insurance companies are also prohibited from using credit information from consumer reporting agencies for either underwriting or rating.

If an insurance company uses any of these prohibited factors in connection with either the underwriting or rating of a policy offered as of April 1, 2008, you should file a consumer complaint with the Division of Insurance.

What Should I Do If My Rate Goes Up?

First: Make sure that your rate has really increased. Compare the types of coverages and coverage limits on your policy last year to the coverages and coverage limits you’ve received quotes for, and make sure they are the same. Also remember that any change to your policy will affect your premium. Changing your vehicle, adding or changing drivers, or changing your cars garaging location may all increase your premium.

Second: Consider whether you are classified as a high-risk driver, such as one with multiple at-fault accidents and/or traffic violations, or one with less than six years experience. If you are, the increase in your premium may be the result of these factors.

Third: Contact your agent or your insurance company for an explanation of why your rates have increased.

Fourth: Once you have learned the reason for your rate increase, you may want to obtain premium quotes from other insurance companies until you are certain you have found the lowest premium for the coverage you want. Remember that if you have had a change in driving history, such as an at-fault accident or traffic violation, your premium is likely to go up in a competitive rating market the same as it would have increased under the “fix-and-establish” system.

What Types of Discounts Are Available?

There are a variety of discounts insurance companies may offer. Some discounts are required by law, such as for passive restraint systems or other safety features, anti-theft devices, and drivers who are 65 years or older. Other discounts are optional, and may include ones offered to members of a group program, persons qualifying for advanced driver-training, or multi-car discounts. Whether insurance companies are required to offer a particular discount by law or simply choose to offer it, the amount of those discounts may vary somewhat from company to company. When shopping for your new policy, be sure to find out what types of discounts each company offers, and how much each of those discounts reduce your premium.

Massachusetts Auto Insurance Rates

Massachusetts Auto Insurance rates

In Massachusetts Auto insurance rates, to put it bluntly, are all over the map.

Let’s clarify: I am a Massachusetts auto insurance agent. I have been for over 25 years. Same office. In 1994 the auto insurance rates landscape was very different.

There was one, state-set, rate.

That’s right folks. You read that right: there was one, state-set, rate. There was no competitive rating.

How did we get that way? Massachusetts didn’t, couldn’t trust the insurance companies to charge an honest rate. The citizens of The Commonwealth were taking a flogging. The state set the rate in order to protect the consumer.

Companies then had to figure out how to make a profit. And they did.

Thankfully (I think), 2008 came around and Massachusetts welcomed competitive auto insurance rating.

Our independent insurance Agency rates with 7 auto insurance companies.

Within these companies, we find auto insurance rates all over the map, from year to year.

So, you ask, why the article about Massachusetts auto insurance rates?

It’s because it’s important to have your agent shop your insurance from year to year.

Agencies don’t like to do it. More work, less money. However, I suggest — as an insurance agent — we must do it.

Our Agency lives by the philosophy of do what’s right for the client.

I spend some of my work time contacting clients about unpleasant insurance things like rate hikes, cancellations or claims.

People want to talk to their insurance agent like they want to talk to their dentist.

However, when I call a client to explain we can save them money on their renewal by transferring coverage to another company, it becomes a jubilant phone call.

They picked up the phone and someone saved them money.

The client is always happy. So am I.

Tips for Fall Driving

Be aware of poor visibility – shorter days, falling leaves, rain & fog make it difficult to see.

Slow down on wet pavement – wet leaves make pavement slippery

Be prepared for bright sunlight – sunrise occurs later in morning and presents challenges for drivers

Be aware of deer – deer become more active October 1st

Watch out for ice


fall driving tips

Reopening Plan: Phase 3 Pandemic

Phase 3

Much of Massachusetts moved to Phase 3 effective Monday, July 6, 2020. Boston requested more time and will move to Phase 3 effective Monday, July 13th.

Bars, casinos, gyms, museums and others in the entertainment and arts industries can reopen. All other business activities can resume except for nightclubs and large venues.

More recreation is allowed to restart, including youth sorts with games and tournaments, though crowd sizes will be limited.

Massachusetts has warned that not only is Phase 3 considered the riskiest of phases — it is the one we will likely be in for the longest time.

Phase 4

Effective upon the development of vaccines and treatment

Full resumption of activity in the “new normal,” including travel, all outdoor recreation and activities as well as events in large venues and nightclubs.

People will still be urged to wear face coverings, maintain physical distance and proper hygiene.

Happy July 4th from MassAutoQuote

Happy July 4th

From MassAutoQuote: Happy July 4th!

Our office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. 

We will re-open on Monday, July 6th.

The 4th is, traditionally, one of our favorite holidays. Family, friends, fireworks, cookouts and pool parties.

This year, of course, everything seems different.

This crazy pandemic, to some degree, has changed everything, maybe forever.

Social distancing and face masks have become the new normal.

But, perhaps, because of COVID-19, or maybe in spite of COVID-19, this 4th of July, 2020 might mean more than other 4th of Julys.

In some ways our communities have grown together in spite of the isolation. We’ve all suffered through the same virus fears, economic hardships and loss of loved ones.

Let this 4th be a reminder of how lucky we are to live in such a great country. Maybe not perfect, we have the ability, through our great democratic process, to perfect.

Maybe the “new normal” includes a greater kindness and empathy for others.

Happy 4th of July from your friends at MassAutoQuote.

Massachusetts Junior Operator’s license

Teens holding a Massachusetts junior operator’s license may not drive with any passengers under age 18 (other than an immediate family member) for the first 6 months unless accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years old. They may not drive between 12:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Auto Insurance Company Relief Programs

Massachusetts Auto insurance Company Relief Programs

As companies announce their plans, we’ll keep this list updated so you’ll know what to expect from your company.

This list includes: Travelers, Progressive, Safety Insurance, Vermont Mutual, Plymouth Rock, Hanover, Arbella, Norfolk & Dedham, Liberty Mutual, Union Mutual, MAPFRE, Chubb, State Farm, Quincy Mutual, Concord Group, Amica, GEICO,  Allstate, Farmers, Main Street America Group, USAA, Nationwide and American Family:

(MassAutoQuote, through MAIP – Massachusetts Automobile Insurance Plan writes with all insurance companies that write in Massachusetts. Not all insurance companies on this list write in Massachusetts and MassAutoQuote does not represent all of these companies.)

Travelers Group – Stay-at-Home Auto Premium Credit Program

Personal auto insurance customers will receive a 15% credit on April and May auto premiums, expanding the company’s COVID-19 relief efforts

Insurance News Massachusetts and US Market Share

“Our customers are doing their part to stay at home and help stop the spread of COVID-19,” said Alan Schnitzer, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Travelers.

“Our new program recognizes their contribution to the effort we all need to make to protect our health and safety and the resulting decrease in miles driven and auto claims. We are committed to standing with our customers, agents and brokers, and this is one more step we’re taking to help ease some of the financial burden many are experiencing.”

How Travelers’ Stay-at-Home Auto Premium Credit Program works:

  • Personal auto insurance customers will receive a 15% credit on April and May auto premiums, expanding the company’s COVID-19 relief efforts;
  • Also provides billing relief for all U.S. customers, including suspending cancellation and nonrenewal of coverage due to nonpayment through May 15, 2020 (no interest, late fees or penalties will be charged);
  • Adjusting the claim inspection process to rely more heavily on state-of-the-art digital and virtual tools.
  • Conducting virtual premium audits for an extra measure of safety.
  • Providing telemedicine options for injured employees through workers’ compensation, including a temporary telerehabilitation program for those who are concerned about or unable to attend physical therapy visits in person.

Progressive’s Apron Relief Program

Extra support during the COVID-19 crisis

We hope you and your family are healthy and holding up well through the uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19). While COVID-19 is causing disruption in our lives and communities, we’re committed to making sure that you have the protection and support you need.

Introducing the Apron Relief Program

To us, the apron is a symbol of protection. That’s why we’re assisting our customers, employees, communities, and agents by committing over $1 Billion to them in this time of need.

To our customers

Assistance with coverage and payments

During this unprecedented time, we know you may be experiencing stress and financial hardship. While you’re doing your part to fight the pandemic, we’re committed to being there in your time of need. With that in mind, here are some steps we’re taking to make things a little easier:

Personal auto premium credit

  • If you have an active personal auto policy at the end of April, you’ll receive a credit for 20% of your April premium. We’ll offer the same 20% credit to active personal auto customers at the end of May, and we may offer additional credits in the upcoming months.
  • There’s nothing you need to do. We’ll automatically calculate your credit at the end of each month, and then you’ll see it reflected in your account within a few weeks. If you have a balance on your policy, we’ll apply the credit directly to your remaining balance. And if you’re already paid in full, we’ll return the money to the payment account we have on file—so please make sure your payment details are up to date.
  • This credit is subject to approval by state regulators.

Coverage assistance

  • We don’t want you to worry about losing your insurance if you can’t pay right now. Starting April 1, 2020, we’ll waive late fees, pause collections, and hold off on canceling or non-renewing any active policies due to non-payment through May 15, 2020. Some states have already issued leniency guidelines, so we will adjust this timeline to either meet or exceed any state-specific requirements.
  • In the meantime, automatic payments will continue to go through unless you tell us to stop them. And after May 15th, any remaining balance on your policy will become due. If you need more support, please don’t hesitate to call us—we’re happy to work with you to manage payments moving forward.

Billing leniency

  • We encourage you to make a payment right now if you’re able to. But if you need extra time, please give us a call—we’re ready to help.
  • If you’ve already requested billing leniency, please be patient with us. Our systems haven’t caught up quite yet, so you’ll continue to receive bills and your Payment Schedule may not reflect your request.

In addition to helping with payments and coverage, we are:

Supporting first responders, health care workers, and delivery personnel

First responders, health care workers, and delivery drivers are at the front lines of the crisis, and we’re doing everything we can to help by:

  • Providing expedited roadside assistance
  • Expanding coverage for personal auto customers who are temporarily delivering food or medicine
  • Offering meal delivery for our for-hire truckers
  • Providing a full-service claims experience for first responders and health care workers who experience a car accident. We’re providing transportation to work and expediting tow and vehicle repairs. And if needed, we’re deferring deductibles and providing a rental vehicle.

Helping customers get back on the road

We know finances might be tight. To help, we’re deferring deductibles for those who need a personal vehicle repaired and can’t pay out of pocket.

Massachusetts Auto insurance Company Relief Programs (cont.)



Safety Insurance has announced:

As a result of the financial impact that the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic is having on policyholders, we are announcing the Safety Personal Auto Relief Credit. Any Safety Insurance personal auto policyholder that has a policy in effect as of April 1st will receive a 15% credit off their premium for the months of April and May. Details of the program include:

  • Insureds must have made at least one payment on their policy and maintain continuous coverage to be eligible
  • The credits will be applied automatically, and insureds do not need to take any action
  • Policyholders that have paid in full will receive a refund
  • New business policies are eligible
  • This credit is pending regulatory approval

In addition to this credit, Safety’s previously announced initiatives remain ongoing:

Cancellation notices issued on or after March 23, 2020 have been rescinded and we have placed a hold on all non -payment policy cancellations until further notice. We have also waived all late and NSF fees.

Safety continues to provide auto coverage for customers who are now using their personal vehicles to make food deliveries as a result of changes to their business operations. As always, our staff is available to provide help and work through flexible solutions to the challenges our policyholders face.

We are making relief efforts through our Charitable Foundation to help support the communities in which we do business. We are providing financial support to the following local charities.

Massachusetts COVID -19 Relief Fund
Boston Resiliency Fund
Project Bread
Healthcare Heroes to benefit the Massachusetts General Emergency Response Fund

Safety’s thoughts remain with everyone during these difficult times and we will continue to make decisions that have the best interest of our agents, policyholders, and employees in mind. Thank you for your continued partnership and please stay safe.

Vermont Mutual

On May 1st we will begin sending letters to our customers advising them that they qualify for a payback equivalent to 20% of their auto premium for 3 months. While this amount may be more than some carriers have announced, we would prefer to issue this payment once, rather than in multiple waves, but are prepared to revisit this if the frequency decrease persists longer than we anticipate.

Another area where we are approaching this differently than most is that we will provide our customers with the opportunity to donate their refund to one of several charities we have identified that have strong regional operations in New England who are assisting with local COVID-19 relief efforts. The process will work as follows:

May 1st – Mail letters to each customer explaining the payback process and identifying the amount they can expect to receive.

May 15th – Customer will have until this date to decide if they would like to have their refund paid to one of the four charities we have selected. They can do this by visiting the web address in the letter or by scanning the QR code in the letter with their smartphone, which will take them directly to our payback donation portal. The charities from which they can choose are:

  • Feeding America
  • Meals on Wheels
  • The United Way
  • The Salvation Army

May 16th – If a customer has taken no action to donate their refund, a check, or direct deposit transaction for EFT customers, will be issued to them for the amount shown in their May 1st letter.

May 20th – Donations will be made to the charities above, as directed by our customers.

In the spirit of helping others, we’ve also directed donations to local charities most in need of immediate support and will continue to explore ways to further support them and the small businesses we count on in our communities. To provide our employees with the opportunity to participate in our charitable efforts, effective immediately we are also increasing the company match of employee charitable contributions from 100% to 200%.

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock Assurance, a leading auto and home insurance provider in the Northeast, today announced that it will provide relief to its customers affected by COVID-19, as well as an option to donate the savings to non-profit organizations supporting the fight against the pandemic. Subject to regulatory approval, the company will apply a 25 percent premium credit on Liability and Personal Injury Protection Coverages to all existing and new auto insurance policies, and will voluntarily waive comprehensive and collision deductibles for any health care worker involved in an accident while driving to and from work, or in the line of duty. For its home insurance customers, Plymouth Rock will apply its Alternative Living Expense Coverage to any health care worker required by illness or job requirements to stay away from home.

The 25 percent premium credit reflects the decrease in driving due to stay-at-home orders, and both the credit and the Alternative Living Expense Coverage will be offered to all existing and new customers across the six states in which Plymouth Rock does business. Relief will be effective as of April 1, 2020 and will remain in effect as long as the current state stay-at-home guidelines are in place. Credits will be applied automatically to affected customers’ policies.

“Plymouth Rock was founded on the principle of doing the right thing for our customers,” said Hal Belodoff, President and Chief Operating Officer of The Plymouth Rock Company. “Right now, we believe that means extending relief to those affected by the coronavirus pandemic, particularly those who need it most.”

By focusing its auto insurance relief on Liability and Personal Injury Protection Coverages, Plymouth Rock is able to offer something that benefits all auto insurance customers, but could have a more meaningful impact on those who may have had to remove optional coverages in order to save money. The Alternative Living Expense benefit is a small way to thank those families in the health care community who are directly affected by COVID-19. Added Belodoff: “We are enormously grateful to those on the frontline of this fight who are sacrificing so much in order to provide care for others.”

Option to Pay It Forward
All customers will also have the option to waive their 25 percent credit and instead donate it to one of several charitable organizations focused on providing relief to people affected by COVID-19 as a simple way to help those in need. A list of charities to choose from will be made available at in the coming days.

Flexible Payment Options
In addition to its premium relief, Plymouth Rock has taken steps to provide impacted customers with payment flexibility, waived late fees and extended coverage since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, please visit our COVID-19 Information and Resources page on

Hanover Insurace

COVID-19 information center

As part of our commitment to be there when our customers and communities need us most, The Hanover CARES Fund will return 15% of April and May auto premiums to eligible personal lines customers. This refund will be automatically applied and customers do not need to take action. Customers with billing questions should call 800-922-8427. In addition, we’ll contribute $500,000 to local nonprofits across the country to address needs arising from this public health crisis.

Massachusetts Auto insurance Companies Relief Programs (cont.)

Arbella Here. For Good.® Give Back Program

Providing Relief to Personal Auto Customers Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

As this time of great uncertainty continues, we all face health and safety concerns and many are experiencing the added burden of financial stress due to the impact of this pandemic. Arbella remains here to support you, our valued customers, and we are pleased to announce the Arbella Here. For Good.® Give Back Program. This new program will provide premium relief to our personal auto policyholders in the form of a credit on your billing statement.

Subject to approval by state regulators, Arbella’s personal auto customers will receive a credit equal to 20% of their auto premium for three months – April, May, and June 2020. These savings would result in an estimated average of $60 per vehicle, and customers with multiple vehicles on their policy could see significant savings.

As an Arbella customer, you can expect to see these credits applied to your bill within the next 60 days, and you do not need to take any action to receive the credit. Customers who have paid in full will receive a check within 60 days. Any new customer who purchases a private passenger auto policy effective prior to June 30, 2020 will receive the same benefit. To receive the credit, customers must be an active personal auto policyholder at the time the refund credit is made.

This new program is in addition to Arbella’s recent announcement that we are suspending all policy cancellations for non-payment from April 1 to June 1, 2020. This includes waiving all fees for late payments or insufficient funds. Click here for additional information about how Arbella is here to help.

If you have any questions about this program or your monthly premium bill, please contact an Arbella customer service representative at 1-800-ARBELLA (272-3552). Our caring employees are ready to assist you.

Please stay well.

Massachusetts Auto insurance Company Relief Programs (cont.)

N&D Group

Private Passenger Auto Premium Refund

The N&D® Group will be returning premium to Private Passenger Auto Policyholders.

As a reward for helping to keep the communities in which we live and work safe, The N&D Group will be refunding 20% of all Private Passenger Auto premiums from April and May to automobile policyholders.

Thank you for staying home and flattening the curve!


Joel P. Murray
President & CEO
The N&D® Group


At Liberty Mutual, the well-being of our customers and employees is always our top priority. We recognize the uncertainty and financial challenges many of you are facing as the nation bands together to slow the spread of coronavirus. To help our customers, we have taken the following actions:

Liberty Mutual Personal Insurance Customers:

Personal Auto Customer Relief Refund

Fewer drivers are on the road, which means fewer accidents. With this in mind, we are announcing our Personal Auto Customer Relief Refund, which will return approximately $250 million to our customers. Here’s how it works:

  • Personal auto insurance customers will receive a 15% refund on two months of their auto premium, based on your premium amount as of April 7, 2020.
  • We are planning to issue the refund in the manner you made your most recent payment or by check.
  • We will begin issuing refunds in the coming weeks, after we have approval from state insurance regulators.
  • Your refund will happen automatically, and you do not need to call us to get your refund.

Massachusetts Auto insurance Company Relief Programs (cont.)

Driving Tip of the Day: The 3 Second Rule

The 3 Second Rule





Driving Tip of the Day: The 3 Second Rule. The best, most experienced drivers get the best auto insurance rates in Massachusetts.

It’s important to have a good driving record. If you have no at-fault accidents and no moving violations over a 6 year period of time, then you should be rated as a state best, “99” driver.

Driving Tip of the Day:

Use the “three-second rule” to help prevent rear-end accidents!

The “three-second rule” accounts for your reaction time to the movements of the vehicle ahead and your vehicle’s stopping distance.

You should add more time if the road is slippery, if you’re being crowded by a tailgater, if you’re towing a trailer or if you’re driving a large truck.

The three-second rule:

When the vehicle ahead of you passes a stationary object, start counting:  1,001 … 1,002 …

The first second is your reaction time; the next two seconds account for your braking distance

You should not reach the object before you count to … 1,003. If you do, you are following too closely.

At a vehicle speed of 55 mph, the three-second rule creates a gap of 243 feet between cars.

For additional driving tips: click here.

For tips to save money on auto insurance: click here.

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