Massachusetts Winter Driving Tips

Massachusetts Winter Driving Tips

With snow forecast in Massachusetts, MassAutoQuote offers some tips to keep in mind when driving in winter conditions:

Beware of snow banks! Go slow when pulling in and out of parking lots or side streets. Drive slow, in general, because you can’t see vehicles driving in and out of parking lots and side streets. Road are narrower and driving more harrowing. Be careful.

Be prepared.  Have your mechanic check your car’s battery, brakes, fluid levels and tire wear.  Keep your gas tank more than half full- it lowers the chance of freezing and you’ll also avoid running out of gas if your stuck in a traffic jam on 128.

Take care in pulling out.  Your car reacts differently to accelerating on snow, make sure there is plenty of time/space to get your car up to speed.  Remember other vehicles may have trouble braking because of the conditions.

Back your car into the driveway when possible.  You’ll have better vision when pulling out.

Be aware of walkers or joggers on the street. When sidewalks are impassable, die hard joggers and dog walkers are forced to venture onto the street for a clearer path.   Keep an eye out for them!

When waiting to make a left hand turn, keep the wheels of your car pointed forward.  If your wheels are turned to the left and you are rear-ended, your car will be pushed into the path of on-coming traffic.

Braking.  If your car does not have anti-lock brakes and you start to skid, pump the brakes to gain control of the skidding.  If your car has anti-lock brakes, slam and hold down the brakes to allow the anti-lock system to take over.

When you must travel during a storm, notify others of your estimated time of arrival and your intended route.

If stuck, stay in the car and wait for help.  Run the engine and heater sparingly.  Also make your exhaust pipe is clear from snow and ventilate your car to prevent carbon monoxide build up.

If stuck in a storm, preserve your energy.  Have food (energy bars, trail mix, beef jerky) in your car.   They will provide your body with energy to produce its own heat.  Have water available to prevent dehydration.  Don’t eat snow, it lowers your body temperature- if necessary, melt it first.

Prepare a Winter Driving Kit and leave it in your trunk.  Your kit should include an extra pair of gloves, blankets, an ice scraper, food basics (energy bars, trail mix or beef jerky work well), water or energy drink.  An affordable car battery- air compressor can provide a battery charge or refill a flat tire.

Driver New to Winter Driving?  Find an open location with wintry conditions and let the inexperienced driver practice accelerating and braking on snow.  Your car will behave differently on snow and ice and a little practice can make a big difference.

Winter Driving Tips

Stay Safe Massachusetts

Driving during the winter in Massachusetts can be one of the most difficult and hazardous situations for both new and experienced drivers.

As the snow flies we offer some winter driving tips:

  • Reduce your speed according to road conditions. Drive cautiously and accelerate gently.
  • Never lock your brakes on icy roads. You will lose steering control. If you do skid, try to remember to turn into the direction of the skid.
  • Increase the space between your vehicle and others. You need more distance to stop safely on slippery surfaces.
  • Make sure your windshield washer has sufficient fluid and that your wipers and defroster are in good condition.
  • Before driving, completely remove ice and snow from your vehicle. Clear all windows, wipers, headlights, and brake lights.
  • Keep your fuel tank at least half full to prevent the fuel line from freezing.
  • Keep a sleeping bad or blanket, flashlight, water, high calorie food that will not spoil, and a shovel in your trunk for emergencies.
  • Best tip of all: Don’t Drive!

From all of us at MassAutoQuote: Stay Safe Massachusetts!

Massachusetts Winter Driving Tips

How much snow is too much snow?

I think we’re just about at the limit.

Driving during the winter in Massachusetts can be one of the most difficult and hazardous situations for both new and experienced drivers …

Winter Driving Tips

How much snow is too much snow?

I think we’re just about at the limit.

Driving during the winter in Massachusetts can be one of the most difficult and hazardous situations for both new and experienced drivers.

As the snow flies we offer some winter driving tips:

  • Reduce your speed according to road conditions. Drive cautiously and accelerate gently.
  • Never lock your brakes on icy roads. You will lose steering control. If you do skid, try to remember to turn into the direction of the skid.
  • Increase the space between your vehicle and others. You need more distance to stop safely on slippery surfaces.
  • Make sure your windshield washer has sufficient fluid and that your wipers and defroster are in good condition.
  • Before driving, completely remove ice and snow from your vehicle. Clear all windows, wipers, headlights, and brake lights.
  • Keep your fuel tank at least half full to prevent the fuel line from freezing.
  • Keep a sleeping bad or blanket, flashlight, water, high calorie food that will not spoil, and a shovel in your trunk for emergencies.
  • Best tip of all: Don’t Drive!

From all of us at Stay Safe Massachusetts!

Massachusetts Winter Storm Driving Tips

As 2015 Blizzardmania approaches Massachusetts, offers the best safety tip for Blizzard driving: DON’T DRIVE! …

Snow street scenes

As 2015 Blizzardmania approaches Massachusetts, offers the best safety tip for Blizzard driving: DON’T DRIVE! … but if you have to, here are some Storm Driving Safety Tips brought to us by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation:

  • Clear snow and ice from all windows and lights – even the hood and roof- before driving
  • Leave plenty of room for stopping.
  • Pay attention don’t try to out drive the conditions. Remember the posted speed limits are for dry pavement.
  • Know the current road conditions. Call 511 from your cell phone or any of the following from either your cell phone or landline phone.
    • Metro Boston: (617) 986-5511
    • Central Mass: (508) 499-5511
    • Western Mass: (413) 754-5511
  • Use brakes carefully. Brake early. Brake correctly. It takes more time and distance to stop in adverse conditions.
  • Bridge decks freeze first. Due to the difference in the exposure to air, the surface condition can be worse on a bridge than on the approach road.
  • Exit ramps are an even greater challenge during the winter since they may have received less anti-icing material than the main line. Be aware of this when exiting the highway.
  • Don’t use the “cruise control” option driving in wintry conditions. Even roads that appear clear can have sudden slippery spots and the slightest touch of your brakes to deactivate the cruise control can cause you to lose control of your vehicle.
  • Don’t get overconfident in your 4×4 vehicle. Remember that, if you are driving a four wheel drive vehicle, the vehicle may help you get going quicker but it won’t help you stop any quicker. Many 4×4 vehicles are heavier than passenger vehicles and actually may take longer to stop. Don’t get overconfident in your 4×4 vehicle’s traction.
  • Look further ahead in traffic than you normally do. Actions by cars and trucks will alert you quicker to problems and give you a split-second extra time to react safely.
  • Remember that trucks are heavier than cars. Trucks take longer to safely respond and come to a complete stop, so avoid cutting quickly in front of them.
  • Leave room for maintenance vehicles and plows – stay back at least 200 feet and don’t pass on the right. (See additional information below.)
  • Most importantly please remember to SLOW DOWN! Also, seat belts should be worn at all times – it’s the law.

Massachusetts Insurance: Winter Driving

Driving during the winter in Massachusetts can be one of the most difficult and hazardous situations for both new and experienced drivers.

Before the snow flies we offer some winter driving tips:

winter driving tips

Living in Massachusetts has it’s benefits. We have Boston, beaches and mountains. We have easy access to New Hampshire, Vermont, New York and Maine. Boston is renowned for our institutes of higher learning and world famous hospitals. We have winning sports teams and we get to enjoy the wonder of the seasons: hopeful springs, warm summers, dramatic falls and … frozen winters.

Driving during the winter in Massachusetts can be one of the most difficult and hazardous situations for both new and experienced drivers.

Before the snow flies we offer some winter driving tips:

  • Reduce your speed according to road conditions. Drive cautiously and accelerate gently.
  • Never lock your brakes on icy roads. You will lose steering control. If you do skid, try to remember to turn into the direction of the skid.
  • Increase the space between your vehicle and others. You need more distance to stop safely on slippery surfaces.
  • Make sure your windshield washer has sufficient fluid and that your wipers and defroster are in good condition.
  • Before driving, completely remove ice and snow from your vehicle. Clear all windows, wipers, headlights, and brake lights.
  • Keep your fuel tank at least half full to prevent the fuel line from freezing.
  • Keep a sleeping bad or blanket, flashlight, water, high calorie food that will not spoil, and a shovel in your trunk for emergencies.
  • Carry your cell phone and a car cell phone charger.

If you don’t have to drive: don’t! If you find your driving in inclement weather: stay safe.

From all of us at Have a Happy Holiday and a safe New Year!