What is Gap Insurance?

What is Gap Insurance

Sounds dangerous.

Like something Evel Knievel would have jumped.

Sounds like something you might want to have.

It’s called Gap Insurance.

What is Gap Insurance?

If a car is stolen or declared totaled, the auto insurance company will pay actual cash value for the car.

The actual cash value can be a lot different from what is owed on the vehicle.

The difference is “the gap.”

Gap insurance covers this amount.

Without gap insurance the lender will hold the individual responsible for paying the difference between the actual cash value and the amount left on the loan.

Many companies allow Gap insurance to be added to the Massachusetts personal auto policy.

The cost for Gap insurance can range from between +$25 annually to +$120.

Sometimes Gap insurance coverage is included in lease agreements. If leasing, make certain Gap insurance is included.

Is Gap coverage a good idea? Depending on the gap … it might be a great idea.

Give us a call to find out more about Gap insurance on your MA auto policy.

MA Auto Insurance Companies

Partial list Massachusetts Auto Insurance Companies, websites, telephone number & address:

MA Auto Insurance Companies

Partial list Massachusetts Auto Insurance Companies, websites, telephone number & address:

  • Amica
    P.O. Box 9128
    Providence, RI 02940-9128

  • Arbella
    1100 Crown Colony Drive
    P.O. Box 699103
    Quincy, MA 02269-9103

  • Commerce
    211 Main Street
    Webster, Massachusetts 01570

  • Electric
    75 Sam Fonzo Drive
    Beverly, MA 01915

  • Encompass
    51 West Higgins Road
    South Barrington, IL 60010

  • Hanover
    (Allmerica Financial)
    440 Lincoln Street
    Worcester, MA 01653-0002

  • Liberty Mutual
    175 Berkeley Street
    Boston, Massachusetts 02116

  • Metropolitan
    PO Box 350
    Warwick, RI 02887

  • National Grange Mutual
    55 West Street
    Keene, NH 03431
  • Norfolk & Dedham
    222 Ames Street
    Dedham, MA 02026
  • 781-332-7000
    One Beacon Lane
    Canton, MA 02021
  • Plymouth Rock
    695 Atlantic Avenue
    Boston, MA  02111
  • Premier
    One Chestnut Place

    10 Chestnut Street, Ste 300
    Worcester, MA 01608
  • Quincy Mutual
    57 Washington Street
    Quincy, MA 02169
  • Safety
    20 Custom House Street
    Boston, MA 02110
  • State Farm
    1 State Farm Plaza
    Bloomington, IL 61710
  • USAA

    PO Box 659464
    San Ant

7 short years ago …

According to a recent article in the Boston Globe, MA auto insurance rates are on the rise …

MA Auto Insurance Discount Programs

7 short years ago the Massachusetts auto insurance industry welcomed “managed competition” to the state.

Managed competition has helped usher in a new era for MA auto insurance consumers.

Companies that long ago fled the state, came back. Some that were never here entered the state.

In order to make certain you are getting the best rates, it’s important to shop around and look for every discount available.

The first place to start when looking for the best auto premium is by packaging your auto insurance with the same company as your home insurance.

If you don’t own a home or condominium, it might be time to purchase apartment insurance coverage. If not for the only reason of taking advantage of an auto insurer’s “account discount.”

Other discounts to consider:

  • Did you drive less than 10,000 miles over the past 12 months?
  • Are you a good driver? Have you had any at-fault accidents or moving violations over the past 6 years?
  • Do you pay your bills in full?
  • Do you receive your bills and documents by e-mail?
  • Did you recently get married? Do you have the same company as your spouse?
  • Are any of your kids good students? Do they have a “B” or better average?
  • Are you a college graduate?

According to a recent article in the Boston Globe (http://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2015/05/24/massachusetts-car-insurance-rates-climbing/Uht5d2fU0JX0ft3Rwa5CvO/story.html) MA auto insurance rates on the rise.

Now, more than ever, is the time to shop your auto insurance with a Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent.


Massachusetts Private Passenger vs Commercial Plates

According to the MA Department of Transportation, if the vehicle has business lettering, markings +/or advertisements, then the vehicle should have commercial plates …

Commercial Plates vs Private Passenger

Our Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agency received a question from a client regarding putting lettering on the back of her car and if this would require commercial plates.

Great question.

The Long answer:

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation defines commercial vehicles (requiring commercial plates) as:


This includes:  Any vehicle which has a vehicle weight of more than 6,000 pounds unless it is a sport utility vehicle, passenger van, pickup truck or cargo van meeting the definition of a private passenger vehicle.

  • Any vehicle which as five or more wheels i.e.; a dually
  • Any pickup truck or cargo van, owned by a partnership, trust or corporation unless the vehicle meets the definition of a private passenger vehicle.
  • Any pickup truck or cargo van if on the bed , roof or sides of the vehicle tools, equipment, supplies and materials are transported to or from a job site (personal projects without compensation are not considered a job site).
  • A vehicle which has business lettering, markings and/or advertisements on it.
  • A vehicle used for hire to plow.
  • A vehicle used for hire to transport or store goods or merchandise (unless the vehicle is owned by an individual, the maximum carrying capacity is 1,000 pounds or less and is only used on a part-time basis).
  • A vehicle used to transport or store goods or merchandise intended for sale in the operator’s business (unless the vehicle is owned by an individual, the maximum carrying capacity is 1,000 pounds or less and is only used on a part-time basis).

So,  according to the MA Department of Transportation, if the vehicle has business lettering, markings +/or advertisements, then the vehicle should have commercial plates.


Because of the huge account discounts, there has never been a better time to consolidate your insurances.

Call or click us to discuss your Massachusetts auto & home insurance.

You’ll be glad you did!

MassAutoQuote Insurance

If you insure your Massachusetts auto & home with the same independent agency you ensure you get the best rates, coverage, insurance programs & discounts available.

Because of the huge account discounts, there has never been a better time to consolidate your insurances.

Call or click us to discuss your Massachusetts auto & home insurance.

You’ll be glad you did!

MassAutoQuote Will Save You Money!

The moral of the story is to shop your Massachusetts Auto Insurance with us and utitlize the power of the Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent.

You’ll be glad you did …

MassAutoQuote Happy

MassAutoQuote received a call from a long time client regarding his 2015 auto insurance renewal.

His annual premium went up from $1,057 in 2014 to $1,331 in 2015.

What happened?

He got a speeding ticket.

Although there are no surcharge points added for the first moving violation, companies take away incident free driving credits.

So, as a result, his driving record went from a step “99? to a “0.”

Happy ending:  MassAutoQuote re-rated his renewal with seven companies and found another company more competitive for ”0? drivers.

We transferred his coverage and was able to lower his annual premium to $1,098 by taking advantage of an additional -5% pay in full discount.

The moral of the story is to shop your Massachusetts Auto Insurance with us and utitlize the power of the Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent.

You’ll be glad you did.

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Online

Massachusetts can boast about many things besides our winters.

Besides our sports teams, colleges, and hospitals, we’ve also got the state of the art, Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles website!

Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles Online

Massachusetts can boast about many things besides our winters.

We’ve got our sports teams, colleges, hospitals, and we’ve also got the state-of-the-art, Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles website!

MA Registry of Motor Vehicles Online Options

Massachusetts Vanity Plates

According to Mass.gov, the official website of Massachusetts, one of the most requested topics is ordering vanity license plates.

By using the following Registry of Motor Vehicles search tool, you can check to see if the vanity plate you want is available:


MA Vanity Plates

Have you ever thought about getting MA vanity license plates?

According to Mass.gov, the official website of Massachusetts, one of the most requested topics is ordering vanity license plates.

By using the following Registry of Motor Vehicles search tool, you can check to see if the vanity plate you want is available:


Directions For Ordering Vanity Plates –

Vanity plates may be ordered in person.

In Person: Go to any full service Registry Branch and complete the Application for Vanity Plates  Up to three plate requests can be made on one application. Payment must be made at the time of ordering.

Process: Within twelve to fourteen (12-14) weeks after your payment is received, you will receive a letter telling you the plates are ready and instructions on where to pick them up. The plates generally arrive at the branch within one week of the date of this letter.

To pick up your vanity plates at the branch you will be required to:

  • Submit an RMV-3, stamped by your insurance company.
  • Surrender your old plate(s).
  • Pay a swap fee.

Vanity plates must be picked up within 90 days.

What to do if in a Massachusetts Auto Accident:

Getting in an auto accident can be a very scary thing.

MassAutoQuote has some suggestions,

What to Do if you get in a Massachusetts Auto Accident …

What to do if in a Massachusetts auto accident

Getting in an auto accident can be a very scary thing.

MassAutoQuote has some suggestions,

What to Do if you get in a Massachusetts Auto Accident:

  • Stop.
  • Be Courteous.
  • Stay Calm.
  • Your interest will be served best if you are courteous and engage in no controversy at the scene of the accident.
  • If there is significant damage to any of the vehicles or any potential injuries call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • Get the names of the owners and drivers involved.
  • Get license numbers, telephone numbers, and registration numbers.
  • Get the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of witnesses.
  • Express no opinion as to who was at fault.
  • Give no information except for as required by the authorities.
  • Do not sign any statements unless required by authorities.
  • For prompt claims call your Massachusetts Insurance Agent.
  • If you don’t have a Massachusetts Agent: good luck and call us for a quote on your renewal!

For more information about Mass Auto Quote’s services, please give us a call or a click!

Massachusetts Junior Operator Law

Getting a Massachusetts driver’s license is an exciting, and sometimes scary, event for the new driver and the new driver’s family.

Operating a motor vehicle is serious business and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a strict Junior Operator Law for new drivers. As a refresher course …

MA Junior Operator Law

Getting a Massachusetts driver’s license is an exciting, and sometimes scary, event for the new driver and the new driver’s family.

Operating a motor vehicle is serious business and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a strict Junior Operator Law for new drivers.

As a refresher course:

Any motor vehicle operator or motorcyclist between the ages of 16 1/2 and 18 is considered a Junior Operator. The Junior Operator Law has several requirements and restrictions that significantly affect the operation of a motor vehicle by a person who has a Junior Operator’s License (JOL). The basic purpose of the law is to provide new drivers supervised opportunities in which to develop good driving skills, while keeping those drivers free of the possible distractions caused by friends under age 18 who are present while the drivers are behind the wheel.

Following, from the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles Driver’s Manual, we offer Massachusetts Junior Operator License Restrictions:

  • You may not operate a motor vehicle within the first six months after receiving your JOL while any person under age 18 is in the vehicle (other than you or an immediate family member), unless you are accompanied by a person who is at least 21 years old, has at least one year of driving experience, holds a valid driver’s license form Massachusetts or another state and is occupying a seat beside you.

General Rule: The passenger restriction that applies to the Junior Operator (Under age 18) is lifted once the Junior Operator completes the six-month period or you reach age 18, whichever occurs first.

The six-month passenger restriction period will stop running, temporarily, during any suspension. When your JOL is reinstated, you will still have to complete the remainder of the six-month restriction period that existed at the beginning of the suspension period, unless you have already turned 18.

  • As the holder of a Junior Operator License (JOL), you may not operate a motor vehicle between 12:30 a.m and 5:00 a.m. unless you are accompanied by one of your parents or your legal guardian. If you are found operating a motor vehicle in violation of this restriction, you may be charged with operating a motor vehicle without being licensed. This is a criminal violation.
  • If you violate the passenger restiction or the night restriction, you will be subject to a license suspension of 60 dyas for a first offense, 180 days for a second offense, and one year for subsequent offenses. For a second or subsequent offense, you will also be required to complete a Driver Attitudinal Retraining course. The law requires the Registrar to impose this suspension in addition to any other penalty, fine, suspension, revocation, or requirement that may be imposed in connection with a violation committed at the time you were violating the passenger or night restriction.
  • You may not operate a motor vehicle that requires a commercial driver’s license (CDL).
  • You will be suspended for one year if you are udner 18 when you have committed certain driving offenses and alcolhol or drugs were involved (180 days if age 18 to 21), in addition to any penalty assessed by a court or other law.
  • You will be ineligible for a full license until you have completed the period of suspension imposed while operating with a JOL and you reach age 18.
  • You will face additional suspension periods of one year for a first drag racing offense and three years for a subsequent offense, you will be suspended for one year.

Call or click MassAutoQuote if you’d like a free, no-obligation, Massachusetts Auto Insurance quote. You’ll be glad you did.