Our Independent MA Insurance Agency wrote a piece of business this past week that makes an interesting case study.
The client is a 52 year old man, living in Quincy, with a perfect driving record insuring a 2009 VW Jetta.
His policy was renewing with Metropolitan and he carries excellent liability limits ($250,000 per person/$500,000 per accident); $500 Collision deductible & $300 Comprehensive deductible.
His annual premium was renewing at $1,283.
After reviewing his coverage options, we were able to re-write his auto insurance, with a $1,000 Collision deductible for an annual premium of $885.
Our new client also purchased an Apartment & $1,000,000 Personal Liability Umbrella insurance policy for $255.
So, his new total insurance premiums are : $1,140.
Less than his old premium … & now he has apartment & umbrella coverage!
It is a reminder to have another set of “insurance eyes” review your insurance.