Massachusetts Safe Driver Auto Insurance Discounts

All these years you’ve been a safe driver. You honor the speed limit and traffic signals, wear a seatbelt, and avoid accidents and cell phone distractions. You’re the ideal auto insurance customer. But does that mean you automatically get a safe driver discount? …

Safe Driver Auto Insurance Discount

Do you qualify for a Safe Driver Discount?

Safe Driver Discounts Can Save You Money on Your Car Insurance Premiums

All these years you’ve been a safe driver. You honor the speed limit and traffic signals, wear a seatbelt, and avoid accidents and cell phone distractions. You’re the ideal auto insurance customer. But does that mean you automatically get a safe driver discount?

Truth is, it’s up to you to ask the auto insurance company for a safe driver discount. It’s worth the effort, because if you qualify, you could gain considerable savings on your car insurance premiums. Let’s take a closer look at what affects personal auto insurance premiums, how you can qualify for a safe driver discount, and what your discount might be worth.

How You Can Qualify for a Safe Driver Discount

Typically, auto insurance carriers review your motor vehicle record (MVR) for the state in which you are licensed to determine your safe-driving status and corresponding car insurance premiums. While carriers’ safe-driver discount eligibility requirements vary, here are some steps you can take to enhance your chances of getting a safe driver discount.

  • Get Certified: You should get certified as a safe driver. Completion of a defensive driving program that’s approved by your state and carrier may qualify you for a safe driver discount. Be sure to send a copy of the completion certificate to us at XYZ Insurance to qualify.
  • Review Your MVR: If your quoted auto insurance has a much higher premium that you think reasonable, review your MVR and correct any potential errors. You can usually obtain your MVR online, or from your local Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or by asking your auto insurance agent.
  • Understand What Affects Your MVR: In most states an MVR reflects violations we receive in the course of driving a vehicle. It’s important to note that:

o Violations are generally classed as either moving or non-moving and they do not necessarily affect your MVR the same. o Even if you don’t own the vehicle your record will be “charged” if you are driving and there is a violation. o The nature of the violation determines if you will receive “points” under your state regulatory scheme. The more points you accumulate, the worse for your MVR and the more you will pay for auto insurance.

  • Drive Safely: If you accumulate more points on your MVR than the law allows, your license becomes suspended pending your satisfaction of various state requirements. At the same time, the more points you have, the higher your auto insurance premium will be.Furthermore, you’ll have fewer insurance carriers willing to cover you. So, by all means drive safely to keep your points low!
  •  Wait It Out: In most states violation points are removed after three years. But remember that certain moving violations, such as excessive speeding, may remain on your MVR for five or more years even though the points have been removed. More serious moving violations, such as driving under the influence (DUI), driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving with a suspended license, can also remain on your record and may result in your never being eligible for a standard or preferred rate carrier in the future. 

    What Is Your Discount Worth?

    Safe driver discounts vary among carriers but could range from 5% to 15% off your car insurance premium. With some auto insurance carriers, one discount may qualify you for additional discounts, reducing your annual car insurance premiums by hundreds of dollars. Add to this the cumulative effect of years and years of discounts, and you’ll find it definitely pays to be an attentive driver and earn the safe driver discount. If you’re a preferred driver and want to save even more, ask your carrier if taking a safe-driving course would help further reduce your car insurance premium.

    Safe Driver Discount Help Is Here

    As a driver, you understand that obeying traffic laws and being attentive behind the wheel are important for more than just your safety; they also can have a long-term impact on your auto insurance premiums. As your independent insurance agent, we specialize in getting the best coverage and most competitive rates for our customers.

    Contact us at to find out if you qualify for a safe driver discount, as well as other car insurance savings that come with your well-earned status as a safe driver.