Moving to Massachusetts?

Moving to Massachusetts?

Trying to figure out the best way to register and insure your vehicle?

We can help …

Moving to MA

Moving to Massachusetts?

Trying to figure out the best way to register and insure your vehicle?

We can help. has been giving out free, no-obligation, online MA auto insurance quotes since 1999.

By getting a MA auto insurance quote from us, you utilize the shopping power of the Massachusetts independent insurance agent.

How to get your Massachusetts license plates –

In Massachusetts insurance and registration go “hand-in-hand.”

You can’t have one without the other.

Once you have found the auto insurance coverage and premium you are comfortable with, will put together a Registry of Motor Vehicles Form 1 with an insurance stamp.

Massachusetts is a “Title state,” in order to get new MA plates you have to turn in your prior, out-of-state title, and get a new MA title.

Your MA driving record is determined by things such as:  years licensed, at-fault accidents, violations, citations, and suspensions.

Remember:  You must obtain annual vehicle inspection sticker within seven (7) days of your vehicle’s registration date.

Call or click us to get your free, no-obligation Massachusetts Auto Insurance Quote.