Eight Gas Saving Tips

Gas prices are through the roof. The best way to save gas money is to ride a bike. If that’s not realistic, Massautoquote.com offers Eight Gas Saving Tips:

  1. Go easy on the brakes and gas pedal. Avoid “jackrabbit” starts. Try to anticipate stops to avoid sudden braking.
  2. Avoid long idles. Turn off your engine if you expect a lengthy wait. Idling burns more gas than restarting the engine.
  3. Avoid carrying unneeded junk in the trunk. More weight equals worse gas mileage.
  4. Avoid driving at high speeds. Mileage improves by 15% if you drive 55 mph instead of 65 mph.
  5. Keep air conditioning to a minimum. Try rolling down the windows instead.
  6. If your vehicle has overdrive, use it. It’s more economical at high speeds.
  7. Keep tires inflated properly.
  8. Get regular tune-ups and maintenance checks, both improve gas mileage.

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