We mailed an auto insurance client his January 2, 2013 auto insurance renewal and he called to review his driving record.
He got into a minor, at-faut accident in May 2010. The 3-point surcharge date is June 1, 2010.
He asked: “When will my driving record improve?”
The answer is: 3 years after the surcharge date his driving record will be credited -1 point.
Then, after 5 years, surcharge points will disappear and he will become a “0” driver.
6 years after the surcharge date, he will become a perfect, Step “99” driver.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Registry of Motor Vehicles offer terrific online tools to learn about your MA driving record:
MA Driving Record (SDIP) and your Massachusetts Auto Insurance
To access the topics on this page, click on one of the links below:
Purpose of the Safe Driver Insurance Plan
Compute Your Operator SDIP Rating
Value of Surcharge Points Assigned to Surchargeable Incidents
Policy Effective Date
Policy Experience Period
Surcharge Date
Multiple Surchargeable Incidents
Incident Count
Assignment of Operators to Vehicles