Prior to April, 2008 MA auto insurance consumers had very few insurance programs to choose from. MA “Managed Competition” auto insurance (deregulation) entered the state, along with additional companies, and — all of a sudden –, programs long enjoyed by the rest of the country, are now available here in Massachusetts.
For example: Vermont Mutual Insurance Company offers an “advantage” endorsement. For $35 this endorsement includes (among other things): accident forgiveness, disappearing deductible, auto loan/ lease gap coverage, & enhanced substitute transportation coverage.
For qualifying new business what this means is, if you have 4 points on your license due to an at-fault accident, you can pay $35 for the advantage endorsement and Vermont Mutual will rate you with no surchage points: saving you big money.
If you are already insured with Vermont Mutual, you can add the endorsement & if you are in an at-fault accident, at renewal time, Vermont Mutual will not charge you for the surcharge points.
The endorsement, to this MA independent insurance agent, seems like a real bargain.
We can all thank MA Managed Competetion Auto Insurance.